Hey Amazon Seller… you’ll never struggle with product selection again IF you have this tool at your disposal...

Your Fast & Easy Solution For Finding Highly Profitable Products That Dominate Your Niche

betsy is a new product selection tool, that uses the power of etsy to find your next winning amazon product!

Keep reading to discover how you can easily find highly profitable products that dominate your niche and scale your Amazon Business.

Are you spending way too much time manually researching new products to sell on Amazon?

Fed up with monitoring other listings, digging through forums, trying to spot trends not finding a winning, profitable product?

Do you feel like you should have at least one profitable product after the time and money you've already invested?

If you said “yes”, I can help you.

If your product research & selection process currently…

  • Takes up way too much of your time... which puts you under pressure to fulfill all the responsibilities that come along with running your own business.
  • ​Puts you shoulder to shoulder with your competitors… leaving you fighting for scraps and resorting to a race to the bottom on price to make any sales
  • Creates a feeling of desperation… as every research session comes up with highly competitive products with tiny margins and nothing that will help you stand out in your market.
  • ​Doesn’t answer the biggest question of all… which is “What product should I sell to grow my business?” and without the answer to this question you cannot make any progress towards your goals.
  • Makes you frightened about other Sellers… coming into your market, undercutting you on price, and forcing you to do the same or lose your place in the market.

one thing is certain...

you need a new approach to product research & selection.

Which is easier said than done... 

or is it?

The typical way of doing product research is not the only way. 

Those frustrating and stressful days can be a thing of the past.

You can transform your process in seconds by using a solution that scaled my business from zero to $2million FAST.

one thing is certain...

you need a new approach to product research & selection.

Which is easier said than done... 

or is it?

The typical way of doing product research is not the only way. 

Those frustrating and stressful days can be a thing of the past.

You can transform your process in seconds by using a solution that scaled my business from zero to $2million FAST.

The #1 Product Research Mistake
Almost All Sellers Are Making…

(You’re definitely doing this right now)

If you’re currently facing these challenges with your product selection process...

  • Looking frantically around Amazon trying to remember your course training.
  • ​Getting overwhelmed with all the options and never being certain about what product will actually make sales.
  • ​Looking at the same products as your competitors.
  • ​Trying to squeeze out a margin on products you’re never fully committed to.
  • ​Stressing about your investment not paying off after your launch and PPC.
  • ​Worrying about the constant threat of new sellers entering your niche and dragging you into a ‘race to the bottom’ on price.

You’re doing the one thing that holds businesses back from scaling more than anything else…


Every day that goes by without you selecting a product is another day that your business achieves zero growth.

And while selecting products isn’t something you rush into…

If you can make a data backed decision FAST…

You’re giving growth, profits, and success the one thing they thrive off…


You’re never going to move fast and make confident decisions with your products, by manually searching through thousands of listings.

Amazon moves too fast for that to be a viable approach.

What you need is a new method of selecting products.

A method that’s been proven to generate not just one or two potential products

But entire lists of data backed product opportunities for you to choose from.

And when I say ‘data backed’ I mean verified sales on one of the biggest e-commerce platforms there is.

Generate Lists Of Highly Profitable Product Opportunities In Seconds That Are Backed By Data & Ready To Scale

What if there was a way for you to take the product ideas you have in your head…

Enter your criteria into a dashboard…

Hit ‘search’...

And instantly have a list of product opportunities backed by sales data?

All from a place that most Sellers have written off as a resource because it’s only for ‘handmade products’.

This would not only allow you to move faster towards your goals…

It would also give you a huge edge on your competition.

You’re about to discover the driving force behind my Amazon business scaling from zero to $2 Million in a very short period of time.

The strategy worked so well it got to the point where I had too many product opportunities to take advantage of.

Which started the process of converting my $2 Million strategy into a tool other Sellers could use to scale their business FAST.


Betsy does all the searching and data validation for you.

All you have to do is enter your search criteria into your dashboard…

And with one click you will have a list of product opportunities along with their estimated sales, revenue and the BETSY patented "Amazon Opportunity Score".

The Amazon Opportunity Score on each product factors in price, sales, revenue, level of personalization, digital download and a few other factors to produce a score that tells you at a glance how well each product would transfer to Amazon.

You know that product selection is the most important step in growing your Amazon Business.

Finding just one profitable product is worth thousands of dollars to your business every month.

Remember, the strategy that led to the creation of BETSY helped scale my Amazon Business to $2 Million per year.

Only BETSY makes it way easier than my manual approach.

I didn’t have a dashboard, Amazon Opportunity Score, or data backed proof that products would sell like crazy.

You get all of that and so much more with BETSY.

BETSY is currently tracking MILLIONS of listings with more being added every month.

Which means you’ll have a list of data backed, highly profitable product opportunities mere minutes after signing up.

And like we’ve already established…

Just one product is worth THOUSANDS of dollars in revenue for your business.

All you need is one product to 10X your ROI monthly and 100X your ROI yearly.

And when you consider that I personally used a much more technical and time consuming version of the strategy that BETSY makes easy to find...

8 wildly profitable products that do just under $1M a year in sales on Amazon with very healthy margins...

You can see that your investment in BETSY is an investment in the growth of your business and your success as an Amazon Seller.

Invest $497 $79 Today and Get
Instant Access to

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